Coaches Code of Conduct
The Futuro Soccer Academy expects all Coaches and Managers to be a positive representation of the Club at all times. As such, Futuro has implemented the following Code of Conduct and requires that it be adhered to at all times. Futuro will ensure all Coaches and Managers are made aware of this Code and will make it available on the Club's website. If a Coach or Manager fails to comply with the standards set forth in this code, disciplinary measures may be taken by the Club.
A Coach/Manager must:
1. Create and maintain a positive environment that promotes teambuilding and development.
2. Be committed to improving the performance of the players and the team physically and mentally.
3. Provide a high-quality soccer program that positively reflects the values of Futuro Soccer Academy.
4. Comply with all Futuro policies and procedures as stated in league manuals, on the website, etc.
5. Never create an environment that anyone affiliated with the team might find offensive, sexually suggestive or
uncomfortable in any way.
6. Ensure the safety of the players is paramount at all times.
7. Be thoroughly acquainted with FIFA Laws of the Game and keep attuned to the sound principles of coaching.
8. Respect all people affiliated with the game - players, referees, coaches, spectators, etc. Opponents and
referees must be treated with respect at all times.
9. Act as a positive role model at all times as players look up to team officials and model their behaviour after them.
10. Encourage players to exhibit good sportsmanship, be gracious winners and losers, and to always play fairly within
the laws of the game.
11. Be enthusiastic and positive. Be generous with praise when deserved and provide feedback in a positive format that
promotes improvement and confidence building.